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2018-07-17 17:23:08


  1、……between the England (2分)

  正確答案:D. Bilabial

  2、……which of the following is a……inEnglish (2分)

  正確答案:B. [??]

  3、……there is ……so students have to (2分)


  4、……out of everone's expectation (2分)

  正確答案:C. on

  5、……she——it very well when (2分)

  正確答案:A. put

  6、……we don't……possible to master (2分)

  正確答案:D. it

  7、……the same mistkaes in the annual (2分)

  正確答案:A. His having made

  8、……i would have told him the (2分)

  正確答案:C. was

  9、……the use of the expression (2分)

  正確答案:A. quantity

  10、……which of the following is an evaluation (2分)

  正確答案:A. Initiative more

  11、……which of the following ……language (2分)

  正確答案:D. pattern practice

  12、……if a teacher shows how to do (2分)

  正確答案:B. demonstration

  13、……when a teacher asks students to discuss how (2分)

  正確答案:B.analyze the structure of the passage

  14、……which of the following practices can encourage (2分)

  正確答案:C. finding detailed information

  15、……which of the following is a display question (2分)

  正確答案:D. Whathappened to the girl at the end of the story

  16、……which of the following would a teacher encourage (2分)

  正確答案:B. to summarize a story

  17、……which of the following exercises would a teacher most (2分)

  正確答案:A. paraphrasing sentence

  18、……the advantages of pair and group (2分)

  正確答案:D. opportunities to guarantee accuracy

  19、……which of the following should a teacher avoid (2分)

  正確答案:B. Teaching words in context and giving examples.

  20、……which of the following practices is most likely to (2分)

  正確答案:A. Doing a project.

  21、……academic achievement standards (2分)


  22、……due to the change in mission (2分)


  23、……accommodate in paragraph 4 (2分)


  24、……by the author about the emotional (2分)


  25、……is likely to be the (2分)


  26、……a rite of passage (2分)

  正確答案:A. A milestone event

  27、……is true about (2分)

  正確答案:B. A woman Robin loved

  28、……has been a defining (2分)

  正確答案:C. A supporter of King Richard

  29、……mehtod is used by (2分)

  正確答案:B. Contrast and comparison

  30、……is a proper title (2分)

  正確答案:C. The figurative Robin Hood


  31、 ……三個主要作用(6分),四種活動形式(8分),三點注意事項(6分)

  正確答案:英語校內課外活動的三個主要作用:(1)英語校內課外活動是學生英語學習的重要組成部分,能為學生的語言實踐和自主學習提供更大的平臺。(2)英語校內課外活動有助于激發和提升學生學習英語的興趣、豐富語感、開闊視野、增長知識、發展智力和塑造性格。(3)英語校內課外活動有助于提升學生的活動組織和管理能力。英語校內課外活動的形式:英文演講、唱英文歌、英語角、英語墻報等。注意事項: 1.教師應根據學生的年齡特點和需求,結合當地經濟文化發展實際,有計劃、有組織、有創造性地開展內容豐富、形式多樣、因地制宜的英語校內課外活動,如朗誦、講故事、演短劇,以及英語校園或班級刊物等。 2.教師應注意英語校內課外活動要著重調動學生參與的積極性。要注意鼓勵、動員、吸引學習困難的學生參與課外活動,為他們設計適合的活動形式和內容,使他們能夠樂于參與,并通過親身體驗和實踐產生學習興趣和動力并獲得成功。在活動中要給予他們耐心的指導,注意保護他們的自尊心和熱情,尊重他們的參與方式,并注意因勢利導。 3.教師要充分發揮學生的自主性,尊重他們的策劃和選擇并給予恰當的引導和輔導,要關注活動的過程,關注學生在活動中的表現,做好活動的顧問和服務工作,為他們的發展提供指導和支持。




  (1)該教師的教學有以下2個優點: ①合理使用糾錯技巧,才有有針對性的教學反饋,以啟發引導為主,提高學生的參與度。 ②采用循序漸進的教學方法,從語法結構到語法運用,鞏固學生的認識。

  (2)該教師發現學生的表達錯誤時,采取了四種具體的糾錯方式,分別是: ①啟發法(Elicitation)教師通過以下方式啟發學生糾正錯誤:(1)就學生的錯誤部分提問,如“How do we say…in English?”,同時放慢語速或稍作停頓;(2)以目光或手勢示意該學生繼續回答問題;(3)提供幾個相關選項供學生選擇;(4)如果該學生依然不能說出正確的形式,則請另一位學生提示或回答。例如: T: Now, look at this picture. What’s in it? S1: Three basket of apples. T: Three basket of apples? Is he right?(用目光或手勢示意全班學生回答)OK. Please correct it. Ss: Three baskets of apples. T: Yes. Good. Well done. OK(轉向犯錯的學生), do you understand? ②澄清法(Clarification requests)教師因不明白學生說的話或發現學生的言語出現形式錯誤而發出明確的信息要求學生糾正,通常使用What? / I’m sorry? / Pardon me? / What do you mean by…? 之類的話。例如: S: I want be a scientist when I grow up. T: Er? I’m sorry? I want… S: I want to be a scientist when I grow up. ③直接糾錯法(Explicit correction)直接糾錯是指學習者出現錯誤時,教師打斷其語言訓練或實踐活動,對其錯誤予以正面糾正(說出正確的語言形式,并讓學生改正)。這種糾錯方式常用于旨在讓學生掌握正確的語言形式而進行的機械操練或側重語言精確輸出的各種練習中。教師直接糾錯時使用的課堂用語通常有:You should say… / No, you shouldn’t say that. / Read after me. / Pay attention to… / Oh, you mean… / We don’t say … in English. We say …。例如: T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? S: I have a bottle of milk, an egg and two cakes. T: Oh. You should say “I had a bottle of milk…” Read after me, please. S: Oh, sorry. I had a bottle of milk, an egg and two cakes. ④強調法(Pinpointing)教師重復學生的話,有意重讀和拖長出錯部分的發音或用升調以表示特別強調,發現這種明顯錯誤所在位置的方法常被用于學生的自我糾錯。這種方法既能糾正學生的口語錯誤,保證學生順利進行口頭敘述,又能顧及學生的面子和自尊心,呵護他們參與口語活動的積極性。例如: T: Where did you spend your holiday this summer? S: I go to Qingdao for my holiday. T: You GO (?) to Qingdao? S: Oh, I went to Qingdao for my holiday. (3)除了以上四種糾錯方式,教師在教學中還常用以下兩種糾錯方式: ①重述法(Recasts)重述是指教師對學生語言表達中的錯誤進行含蓄糾正。這是一種溫和的錯誤糾正方式,是對學生的表達進行部分肯定之后的糾正。該方法以學生的語言表達為基礎,對部分成份或詞語進行修正,并保持原表達的意思不變,對于糾正學生口語中的語法錯誤比較有效。例如: S: He is watch TV.(第一次表達) T: He is watch TV? Patrick is watching a football game on TV.(重述) S: He is watching TV.(第二次表達) T: Right. Go on please. S: She’s do her homework.(第一次表達) T: She’s doing her homework.(重述)Oh, she has a lot of homework to do. S: She’s doing her homework.(第二次表達) ②元語言反饋法(Metalinguistic feedback)元語言反饋是指學生出現言語錯誤時,教師并不直接說出正確答案,而是對學生的錯誤進行技術上的分析和描述,如指出詞類誤用、時態錯誤等,常用的課堂用語有 Can you find your error? / No, not …. We don’t say … in English. / Do we say that in English? 等。這種方法更適合高中生,尤其是高水平學習者。例如: S: I go to visit my grandparents with my uncle last weekend. T: Do we say “go” here? “Go” is “present tense”. I’m afraid you used a wrong tense. S: I go…went…I went to visit my grandparents last weekend. T: Yeah. I went.




  Teaching type: Listening and speaking class Teaching contents: This lesson is from middle school, and it mainly talks about time schedule of Tony and his sister.

  Teaching Objectives: (1) Knowledge objectives ① Students can master the basic knowledge of the listening material. ② Students can master the structure how to describe things at specific time. (2) Ability objectives: ① Students can improve their listening and speaking abilities. (3) Emotional objectives: ① Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English, and fond of taking part in class activities. ②Students can cultivate a good habit. Teaching key and difficult points: Teaching Key point: Students can master the basic knowledge of the listening material.

  Teaching Difficult point: Students can foster the interest of learning English.

  Teaching Procedures: Step1: Pre-listening (9minutes) 1. Teacher will show student a video about daily life of Jack Ma, and let them talk about it. 2. Teacher ask students to share their daily life in group of 4,and choose 3 representatives to share their ideas. (Justification: Group discussion can strengthen their cooperative spirit and their speaking ability. And they will review some keys words of routine life. Step2: While-listening (6minutes) 1. Students need to listen to the tape for the first time and choose the activities Tony did in the recording. 2. Students need to listen to the tape one more time,and answer some questions in detail. (Justification: Students will improving their listening ability and ability of catching up some key words.) Step3: Post-listening (5minutes) 1. Do the actions and let your partner guess what you are doing . 2.Design a good time schedule for your weekends and share it with your desk mate. 3. Compare the different schedule and talk about which one is a healthier one and why? (Justification: Students can use the words we have leared to express their ideas, and let students realize the importance of cultivate a good habit.)


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